Loving Individuals & Homes Wanted in Weber, Davis, Salt Lake and Utah Counties

Together We Shine is looking for families and individuals who are passionate about caring for others who need daily love and care. Traditionally, those who are in the trenches aren't compensated as well as they should be. We are working to change that by paying more, expecting more and remaining small and more attentive to the caretakers we work with. Our caregivers can make up to $35,000 in a year.
The population we work with have a wide spectrum of intellectual disabilities and are generally ages 18 and up. Apply below to provide a home (if you have a spare room) or to serve in an individual or group daycare community program.
Apply to Work For Together We Shine
We run group and individual day support and respite programs. Both full time and part-time jobs are available for people who want to make a difference in the lives of individuals in our communities who have disabilities.
Work with us as a host parent. Those who wish to apply will need an extra bedroom in their apartment or house and a clean background check. (Everyone in the home will have to pass a background check to work with an individual with disabilities.)
This opportunity requires you to be committed a minimum of _ years.
The way it works is the state puts out ISOs (in search of) documents with details about different degrees of disability levels of the individual looking for housing.
The individuals are male or female, and over 18 years old. The host parent would get $2,000-$4,000 per month from the DHS and an additional $300-$500 from SSI for room, toiletries, groceries, etc.
Many of our special needs clients take care of themselves and have food stamps. Host parents check in with them when needed to make sure they are taking their medicine and keep a record of their behavior if they have a behavior plan. Families can be matched with a very high functioning individual that works a job and pretty much only needs a place to sleep, or take on more responsibility by bringing an individual into your home that needs more time and attention. Your compensation increases according to the amount of work and care that is required
Read through and fill out the application by clicking "Host Home Application" and we will get back to quickly.

Helpful Resources
If you are newer to caring for those with disabilities, there is a host of information online that will be helpful. Here is a small collection sites that we highly recommend you spend some time on.